Tuesday 15 December 2015

Mom....I am waiting to be Born!!!

 She was a foetus, six months old. For the past 180 days she lay cuddled inside the mother's womb. Her heart has started beating in tune with her mother's heartbeats. When her mother got frightened on seeing a spider on her hand she twitched inside her womb on being disturbed from her slumber. She kicked her legs when her dad(mom used to tell her"here comes daddy" when ever he talked to her) sang her the number one song on the hit-list.

She felt the warmth of her mother's love through the blood that flowed from her mother's body through the umbilical cord. She knew- felt-her parents would treat her like a princess. She could not wait any more. She wanted to come out in to the world. She wanted to see her parents. She wanted to pull her dad's big moustache. She wanted to taste her mother's milk. She wanted to make friends. She wanted to breath to get out from the conjested womb.

But on a sudden everything collapsed that one day she heard that her daddy screaming.... "if it is a girl, i don't want her. Get rid of her, doctor". Get rid of her". She heard her mother pounding hard. She cried out to her mother,"Mummy, please dont kill me. I want to live with you". She thought her mother would fight for her. But she did not know why.... her mother remain silent. why? why?

She didn't need the doctor's help to die. Her heart stopped beating as she sighted,"on another day my dear, another day.... you will be born!!!


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